Anorexia Nervosa-a disorder defined as abnormally low body weight, intense fear of being or becoming fat.
Bulimia Nervosa-an eating disorder that always involves binge eating. Please understand that some bulimics do not induce vomiting after they have eaten meals.
- Weight loss: extreme thinness or loss of 15 or more lbs. in 2-3 months.
- Intense fear of being overweight.
- Preoccupation with dieting and food.
- Eating little: skips meals, eats very little, is finicky with food.
- Unusual eating habits: eats one thing at a time.
- Bathroom breaks: disappears into the bathroom during or after meals.
- Taking up smoking: to suppress the appetite, especially for someone who would not be expected to smoke.
- Caffeine use: excessive drinking of diet caffeinated beverages or large amounts of coffee daily.
- Evidence of binge-eating.
- Empty laxative packages-herbal or otherwise.
- Onset of hyperactivity.
- Loss of menstrual period.
- Intolerance of cold: constantly cold due to loss of body fat, shivering, blue skin or fingers.
- Baggy or full covering clothes.
- Skin and hair problems.
- Swollen salivary glands.
- Broken blood vessels in the eyes.
- Change in moods.
- Socially withdrawn.
- Preoccupation and low self-esteem.
- Give yourself credit for being you.
- Take care of personal hygiene. When you look better you feel better.
Work through feelings:
A. Identify them.
B. Decide how to express them.
C. Let them go.
- Keep in contact with humor.
- Appear confident.
- Self-Talk. Weed out negative thoughts and irrational thoughts.
- Learn to accept compliments.
- Take time for yourself.
- Do not depend on others for self-worth.
- Take risk.
- Be yourself.
- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
- Accept your limitations.
- Make time for yourself.
- Always work toward some kind of goal.
- 16.Get involved, meet new people.
- 17.Try to look on the brighter side.
- Worrying and dwelling on the negative does not do anything for one’s self-esteem.
Anger is the tip of the clinical iceberg with symptoms that may show themselves as anger responses in the forms of depression, anxiety, trauma, systemic stressors, physical illness, ADD, LD, substance abuse. In addition, affective, personality, and cognitive disorders may underlie anger symptoms. Take the time to check the list below:
___Fear of anger responses: __self __others
___Excessive worry
___Excessive or inappropriate guilt
___Anxiety/Panic/Phobic feelings
___Excessive disappointment
___Self hatred/loathing
___Powerlessness over circumstances
___Intense agitation
___Needlessly argumentative or uncooperative
___Rigid, self-righteous stance
___Legalistic comments
___Lack of openness or willingness to examine self
___Over focused on personal wrongdoing by others
___Tendency to argue or haggle over fees, time of appointment, Christian views, being charged for a service, challenging
the counselor if late or for some minor failure
___Overly agreeable, humble, and passive
___Easily offended, infers or mind reads thoughts of therapist or others quickly
___Cynical, inappropriate language, judgmental communication and observations
___Tendency to set self up for failure or replicates hurt by current relationships
___Tendency to keep their anger going, and has a seeming joy of remaining upset or mistreated
___Inability to listen, quick to defend self
___Low frustration tolerance to minor incidents or irritant behaviors of others
___Throwing objects, pounding with fists, kicking objects, slamming things, storming away, stomping, and driving off fast
___Frequent outbursts, overprotective or punitive manner
___Taking anger out on others personal possessions of special meaning or importance
___Displacing anger on animals or inanimate objects
___Poor stress management; easily overwhelmed by stressful events
___Reckless driving; road rage
Panic is a clinical condition typified by experiencing a high level of fear of dying, harm, or embarrassment due to physiological and psychological reactions to something in the environment or by a medical illness that causes panic attacks. The person experiences many panic attacks physically, as if one were having a heart attack. The heart rate becomes rapid, breathing increases, perhaps
resulting in hyperventilation, profuse sweating, dizziness, and other highly discomforting physical symptoms. Other times panic symptoms may be a dizzy sensation, difficulty swallowing, being nauseous, or possibly tingling or sharp pains in the body. Psychologically, the person believes he or she is dying or going to be harmed. One fears losing control of their situation or circumstances to some threat. The person might possibly know what triggers the attack. Usually attacks will occur in a similar location, but not at any particular time or frequency. The attacks seem out of the blue, sudden, and uncontrollable, which are the hallmarks of a person developing an over laden fear. However, occasionally, the attacks can last for several hours, coming in waves.
Take the time to check the list below:
___Fearfulness about dying or having a serious medical condition
___Increasing worries about health conditions or complaints
___Proneness to anxious feelings
___Prone to feelings of shame or embarrassment especially their problem
___De-realization/ feeling of unreality or being far from ones body
___Depersonalization: feeling of ones body being odd or dreamlike
___Helpless due to doubts over controlling responses to panic
___Extreme tension waiting for next attack
___Extreme tension waiting for next attack
““Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there
be any praise, think on these things.”
Please visit our Resources page for materials on adults with ADHD.